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您的位置:首頁 > 相關活動 > 世界佛教企業論壇論文輯

    本次論壇除了「以佛法經營企業 以企業服務社會」的主題,今年逢世佛會成立61年,大會還訂了子標題“六和敬與一佛法”。
Six Harmonies One Buddhism
By Sheng Han Chen
      Dear venerables in the mahasangha, government officers, distinguished guests, delegates from the whole world, business entrepreneurs, ladies and gentlemen:
     Theme of this forum is “Business through Buddhism: Management and Mission.” Besides, in conjunction with the 61st anniversary of the World Fellowship of Buddhists, the sub-theme of the forum is “Six Harmonies One Buddhism.”
     Our great Buddha established the sangha and stipulated “the six harmonies” as the common rules for the sangha members to follow. The six harmonies consist of the harmony in noumenon and the harmony in phenomena.
     The harmony in noumenon is the realization of nirvana through wisdom, i.e. attaining the unique fruition by following the Buddha’s teachings. This is the truth and goal which every sangha member wishes to achieve by dedicating himself or herself bodily and spiritually. This is also the common direction and ideal of the sangha as a whole. If applied in business, it is the mission and perspective targeted by a corporate, thus the goal which should be safeguarded and achieved by all members of the corporate.
     The harmony in phenomena is the living together through bodily harmony, the no-dispute through verbal harmony, the joyful sharing through mental harmony, the joined practice through precept harmony, the same understanding through view harmony, and the common sharing through profit harmony. If applied in business, the living together through bodily harmony means that all members of a corporate can respect each other and cooperate together harmoniously in physical behavior; the no-dispute through verbal harmony means that all can respect each other verbally and conceptually, and communicate fully and harmoniously; the joyful sharing through mental harmony means that all can understand each other fully in mind, and attain harmonious joy;  the joined practice through precept harmony means that all have the same good system and model to observe, and work together for the same goal harmoniously and consistently; the same understanding through view harmony means that all can have the consistent ideology and consensus, and unite together to solve problems; and the common sharing through profit harmony means that the profits and interests achieved by joint effort can be allocated fairly according to individual’s effort and contribution so as to make all happy.
     All the Buddhist monks or laypeople today, no matter whether they belong to Theravadin, Chinese or Tibetan tradition, are following the Sakyamuni Buddha’s teachings to enlighten oneself and others under the non-different and consistent direction and ideal.
     The teaching of the “Six Harmonies” make the sangha established by the Buddha still fully exert the great mission of perpetuating the right Buddha dharma and helping the living beings in every corner of the world until today. This is also the sustainable management dreamed of by the business circle. The “Six Harmonies” not only function fully within the business administration but also inspire greatly the corporate responsibility towards customers, society and country. This deserves the close attention from the business community for sustainable management.
      Business through Buddhism: Management and Mission. May this forum prove successfully, and exert the greatest influence to bring benefit to not only the business but also the all living beings.
     May all of you be peaceful and prosperous.