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The 2nd WFB World Buddhist Business Forum
Taipei Declaration
  The 2nd WFB World Buddhist Business Forum sponsored by the World Fellowship of Buddhists’ Standing Committee on Social and Economic Development takes place in Taipei, Taiwan, ROC from Dec. 23-24, 2011 with over 250 delegates from 18 countries and regions attending. Focusing on the theme of “Business through Buddhism: Management and Mission”, seven consensuses among the others are reached:
1.            To extinguish all sufferings through basic material comfort and ecological health as well as the spiritual practice and the attainment of nirvana.
2.            To encourage the entrepreneurs to observe bodhisattva vows, and to experience concentration and insight so as to purify the causes of sufferings, i.e. the three poisons of greed, hatred, and delusions.
3.            To live simple life while not to over-value poverty which can be the root of injustice, conflict, stealing, robbery, lying, and even war.
4.            To encourage entrepreneurs to apply the Buddha dharma in business management for the interest and well-being materially and spiritually of the investors, the management, the employees, the suppliers, the distributors, and the end-users as a whole.
5.            To implement moral ethic as the guideline of business management and mission so as to moderate the extremism of capitalism, consumerism, fanaticism, patriarchy, and technology.
6.            To run business with merit and GNH-orientation to replace the misleading concept of economical development at the cost of human inner happiness and outer ecology.
7.            To promote the setting up of the World Buddhist Bank, the World Fellowship of Buddhist Entrepreneurs, and other feasible establishments in the spirit of Engaged Buddhism.
1.        以基本物質舒適、生態健康、心靈修持和證悟涅槃息滅一切痛苦。
2.        鼓勵企業家受持菩薩戒定慧,淨化貪瞋癡三毒苦因。
3.        生活簡樸,卻不強調貧窮,以免導致不正義、衝突、偷竊、搶劫、欺詐、戰爭等罪行。
4.        鼓勵企業家以佛法經營企業,謀求投資人、經理人、員工、供應商、銷售商、消費者的整體利益和身心幸福。
5.         以倫理道德作為經營企業和善盡社會責任的準繩,糾正資本主義、消費主義、偏執狂、父權主義和科技的流弊。
6.         以功德和國民幸福指數經營企業,揚棄犧牲心靈幸福和生態平衡的盲目經濟發展。
7.        實現人間佛教,倡議成立世界佛教銀行、世界企業家友誼會等組織。